We have had some AMAZING new products in this week, we had to inform you of them all! Not only that but we are in the middle of making an IN-DOOR beach... I know we are crazy - Look out on our social media pages for pictures of whales and shizz.
First off we have Pretty Flamingo Vintage who always bring in the most amazing, bohemian festival wear. This week she brought these tops, head bands, anklets and bags - Aren't they the greatest things you've ever seen? Perfect for Glastonbury.
Laura James' handmade head pieces have also landed in-store...
Alexandra Therese has handmade one off pieces for your Ibiza/Marbs/Wherever you go these days outfits...
Aqua Embellished velvet kimono handmade from Jackson's Fashion
The sun has got it's hat on - and we have got ALL the summer wear you will ever need from over 10 independent fashion retailers. Check us out in-store or Shop Fashion online here
Rex .